Friday, June 8, 2012

BRAN comes to Sargent!

Wow! Our little town of Sargent (Pop. 577) has been busy this week!! Sunday was the kick off of our annual Chokecherry Jamboree and that lasted thru Tuesday with parade, pancake feed, little girls beauty competition, carnival, salad luncheon etc. The week was full of lots of hours in town and coming home exhausted but it was fun. 

Then on Wednesday the BRAN group biked into town.  BRAN is Bike Riders Across Nebraska.  The bikers started out in the far west part of Nebraska and they spend a week biking across the whole state of Nebraska and end up close to the far east part of the state.  Wednesday evening they spent in our little town. 

There were 600 bikers registered this year and 200 supporters that follow the bikers so our town bloomed to almost 1,400 people!!  All of the churches served wonderful meals for the group: Catholics had fried chicken dinner, Methodists had Smorgsabord, Church of Christ had Tacos and Runzas, E-Free had Spaghetti and they all sold out which is wonderful for our churches!!  There were also various organizations that had snacks, drinks etc. for sale also.  The local businesses also went "all out" decorating their store fronts with posters and decorated bikes to welcome our visitors.  Where I work, we had an old rusty bike with a basket in front of it filled with flowers.  It was cute!

Go to this link and it tells all about the BRAN coming to Sargent and has photos!! I was too busy working to get many photos so this link shows some.

Next year the BRAN group will choose a different route across Nebraska so we won't be on the route but it was great to have them visit.

I hope to have some cards to show you soon.  I have been crafting but have not had time to post.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.  My Dad's 81st birthday is tomorrow so we are taking him out to eat- YUM!

Gail S.

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